Rowers have used ergometers (ergs) for years as part of their land workouts. Aside from providing off-the-water stroke work, they measure the amount of energy expended, distance traveled and overall strength. In recent years, “erg” manufacturers have come out with kayak- and canoe-specific pull bars, and now standup paddlers can get on the dryland workout train with a SUP-specific erg.

The KayakPro SUP Ergometer replicates standup and the relationship in SUP between balance and resistance. Equipped with a moving SUP platform as well as adjustable resistance and paddle shaft length, the SUP erg was developed to give paddlers the full-body workout one would expect from a water session. The moving board platform is designed to simulate the movement of a real SUP board, while the adjustable resistance can help increase performance and speed when doing the real thing.
“It’s pretty killer for when it’s cold out or conditions are bad,” says elite standup paddler Danny Ching. “If you can’t get on the water, the SUP erg is the closest thing to a water workout [you can get]. And it’s great for coaching too.” – Shari Coble
The KayakPro SUP Ergometer replicates standup and the relationship in SUP between balance and resistance. Equipped with a moving SUP platform as well as adjustable resistance and paddle shaft length, the SUP erg was developed to give paddlers the full-body workout one would expect from a water session. The moving board platform is designed to simulate the movement of a real SUP board, while the adjustable resistance can help increase performance and speed when doing the real thing.
“It’s pretty killer for when it’s cold out or conditions are bad,” says elite standup paddler Danny Ching. “If you can’t get on the water, the SUP erg is the closest thing to a water workout [you can get]. And it’s great for coaching too.” – Shari Coble