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FCS VS Knubster

Developed by Sean Mattison for Von Sol surfboards, the FCS VS KNUBSTER is essentially a centre fin that can be added to any quad set-up. More drive and hold in a quad fin set-up.

The “KNUBSTER” is designed with a single tab that allows the fin to be positioned in the forward and rear centre plug to cater for the individual drive requirements of each surfer.

The FCS VS KNUBSTER, which is 3 3/4” by 2” high, was the 5th fin Kelly Slater used in his boards during the Quiksilver Pro in New York. According to Kelly’s report, “The KNUBSTER makes your quad set-up feel faster, smoother, and it adds a little more control. It just tightens everything it up a bit”.

Interestingly Kelly was riding the FCS VS KNUBSTER when he scored his two 10 point rides in 2011. The first at the Quiksilver Pro in NY where he performed one of the best airs ever seen in competition, and the second at The Rip Cur Pro in Portugal in heaving barrels.

Adding the FCS VS KNUBSTER to your quad set-up is an affordable way to add a new dimension to your surfing. FCS recommends using the fin with the FCS K2.1 Quad.

Als je geen 5 FCS boxen in jouw board hebt dan is er de FCS Longboard adapter.


Adapter allows you to change from a traditional longboard fin to a FCS thruster set up in seconds, perfect for loosening up your longboard. The adapter is adjustable for deeper longboard boxes.


Weergaven: 73

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Als ik zo naar het filmpje kijk heb ik toch het idee dat Kelly niet zo kort draait met deze setup...pffff

nee , beetje surfen moet ie nog leren.

De nubster gemonteerd:

De nubster kan voor of achter in de fcs box gemonteerd worden. Sweet set-up met de FCS quad-set zou ik zeggen.

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