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Tsunami warning in effect for Hawaii

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Tsunami waves are headed towards the Hawaiian Islands that may cause damage along coastlines of all islands in the state. Urgent action should be taken to protect lives and property. The estimated arrival time in Hawaii of the first tsunami wave is 11:05 AM Hawaiian time Saturday.

Coastal residents are urged to evacuate. Follow civil defense instructions.

The first waves will reach Hilo, Hawaii at 11:05 AM

The first waves will reach Kahului, Maui at 11:26 AM

The first waves will reach Honolulu at 11:37 AM

The first waves will reach Nawiliwili, Kauai at 11:42 AM

A tsunami is a series of long ocean waves. Each individual wave crest can last five to 15 minutes or more and extensively flood coastal areas. The danger can continue for many hours after the initial wave as subsequent waves arrive. Tsunami wave heights cannot be predicted and the first wave may not be the largest.


het raakt dus tijd mn Gun eens van de zolder te halen,


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Re: Hawaii Tsunami Warning!
« Reply #2 on: Today at 08:34:01 AM »


This Warning has been issued for all shores of all islands.

Hawaii prepares evacuations ahead of tsunami
Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:04am ESTRelated NewsTsunami in Hawaii threatens islands- US agency
7:17am EST
Strong quake strikes east of Taiwan
Sun, Feb 7 2010HONOLULU (Reuters) - Hawaii prepared to start evacuations ahead of a tsunami generated by a massive earthquake in Chile, a civil defense official on the U.S. island said on Saturday.

U.S. | Natural Disasters

It planned to sound civil defense sirens across the island state at 6 a.m. local time (11 a.m. EST) after the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said a tsunami was generated that could cause damage along the coasts of all the Hawaiian islands,

"Get off the shore line. We are closing all the beaches and telling people to drive out of the area," said John Cummings, Oahu Civil Defense spokesman.

Buses will patrol beaches and take people to parks in a voluntary process expected to last five hours.

More than an hour before sirens were due to sound lines of cars snaked for blocks from gas stations in Honolulu.

"Urgent action should be taken to protect lives and property," the Warning Center said in a bulletin. "All shores are at risk no matter which direction they face."

ik geloof dat ze het echt menen
First wave just hit French Polynesia at Gambier and was under 1 meter. No damage.
Nou weet ik niet precies waar op het kaartje dat ligt maar Hawaii ligt aardig in de weg.

zie kaartje
hmmm, het ziet er naar uit dat het erg meevalt, men spreekt over extreme getijwisselings verschillen in korte tijd, flinke vannaf afstand waarneembare stroming maar geen schade meldingen zover, als ik de plaatjes zie snap ik de paniek wel, vorige keer dat zoiets gebeurde koste het vele doden namelijk.

zie plaatje

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